Friday, 13 September 2019

Genius Time

Team 15 have been working super hard on their passion projects this term. The process can get VERY messy and chaotic as each of us takes our learning in a different direction.
Mrs Turner is super-proud of how mature everyone is. She is also very thankful the wonderful parent help she gets on a Thursday afternoon. 
Watch this space for our finished creations, but for now, enjoy this short picture video of what we've been up to....


  1. Exciting things going on with Team 15. Great Green Hat thinking - what are the possibilities. Keep shining Room 15 🌝

  2. I loved watching your video from Georgia

  3. You did a really good job on your creations I love that video, I love the TV show, I love all the stuff you made, keep shining Room 15. From Cairo

  4. Wow Room 15 they look awesome because you put so much effort into them.

  5. Hi room 15, your project genius looks amazing, Room 3 is also doing a passion project. I love all the creative ideas you have put into your work. I bet they all look wonderful on display, how long did it take for them all to finish?
