Friday, 13 September 2019

Genius Time

Team 15 have been working super hard on their passion projects this term. The process can get VERY messy and chaotic as each of us takes our learning in a different direction.
Mrs Turner is super-proud of how mature everyone is. She is also very thankful the wonderful parent help she gets on a Thursday afternoon. 
Watch this space for our finished creations, but for now, enjoy this short picture video of what we've been up to....

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Reading Skills

All year we work on different skills for Reading. The last few weeks in Team 15 have been focused around using the punctuation to help us read with expression and flow. (We have been using punctuation in our Writing too so that it makes sense when other people read it!)

Here is a video of Zach and Simeng learning to use punctuation when reading aloud.

Zach was brave and went first. When he read the first time, he forgot to use the punctuation so we gave him some feedback - did you hear the difference when he tried it the second time? He was AMAZING!

Simeng is second in the video. This was her second attempt too. The rest of the kids are giving her feedback on how she used the punctuation. Great Team-work Team 15!

How do YOU think they went?

Leave us some constructive feedback in the comments.