Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Edgewater Marae

Here we go.
Learning all about our wonderful Maori culture.


  1. Apparently Sunnyhills is the best school to have visited this year. Your waiata was great and your behaviour superb. Looks like you had a fabulous time and learnt a lot about Maori culture.

  2. It looks like it was a great visit. Awesome to see the photos of you all.

  3. It looks like you all had a great day. You are so lucky to be able to visit the Marae

  4. Room 14 really enjoyed visiting the Marae with you all! Mrs Trembath was so proud of Jackson and Jayan for saying their pepeha and representing themselves, and us with great Mana.

  5. Looks like your class have learnt a lot about the Maori culture.

  6. cool Mari trip room 15 i hope you had a great time there and did lots of fun activities.! indigo
